Trust Center

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Pontera is dedicated to enabling financial advisors to securely and compliantly manage their client’s retirement plan accounts. Your security and privacy are our top priority. To safeguard your data, we employ enterprise-grade security controls, practices, and procedures across our infrastructure and application layers. Ongoing monitoring and updates to our security practices help maintain alignment with industry best practices and standards.

We encourage you to subscribe to email updates to stay informed of changes and improvements to our security program. The Pontera team is here to address any concerns or needs you may have. Connect with us using the “Contact Support” button at the bottom of the page.

Benjamin F. Edwards-company-logoBenjamin F. Edwards
Carson Group-company-logoCarson Group
Dynasty Financial Partners-company-logoDynasty Financial Partners
Private Advisor Group-company-logoPrivate Advisor Group
SageView Advisory Group-company-logoSageView Advisory Group
Sanctuary Wealth-company-logoSanctuary Wealth
SS&C Technologies-company-logoSS&C Technologies


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Trust Center Updates

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Thank you for visiting our Trust Center. We look forward to partnering with you.

If you have additional questions about trust and security at Pontera, please reach out using the "Contact us" button below.

Published at N/A*

If you need help using this Trust Center, please contact us.

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If you think you may have discovered a vulnerability, please send us a note.

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